Berserker Paintball Field & Store.
We Now Carry

Paintball Markers & accessories! To See There new Line of Products Click on the word BRUIZER Above.

We are presently looking for a new location for the field. Sorry for any inconvenience. In the meantime any of you who have property & would like to play we can help you out. We can rent you everything you need for a great day of paintball.

We have added a Message board so you guys can get together & talk. This can come in handy for those of you trying to start teams here in northern Ohio. But don't limit it to that. We will be on here alot so you can post any Paintball questions too.

______________________________Jim ________________

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20 Jan 2000
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About Berserker Paintball

Take Your Hits.

Today's Paintball Tip By Jim Draco Garens ...
Three Minute Warning When the game is winding down and there are about 3 minutes left it is time to act if nothing has developed. It is crunch time and most players are either out of hope, stressed (make more mistakes), not paying attention, out of ammo, out of patience, and just plain under pressure. This is the best tiem to act. In the case of Center Flag if you have the flag gather a few of the remaining players and make a strong move. Put the flag in the fastest man's hands, and push forward. Then break for it. Everyone else should cover him like crazy. If you are playing center flag and no one has the flag yet, gather a few of the survivors and rush the flag. Have one or two cover like mad. Send the flag grabber in and have the rest follow close by. Run straight by, grab the flag and keep going, if you die, drop it and your followers can pick it up. In capture the flag gather a few men and rush their fortress. Again one flag taker, and shadow men following behind. Sometimes you may be the only one alive and close enough to make the move. But start moving when only a few minutes are left. All other games wait it out and play defensive. The key to the Three Minute Warning strategies is that people are under pressure to perform and produce. You can take advantage of that. Look for openings. ••

Well Let Me Be The First To Welcome You. I Hope You Come Out & Have Some Fun & Enjoy The Site.

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As soon as we can get someone to write up some reviews.

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Berserker Paintball
1257 Morris Rd.
Kent, Ohio, 44240
(330) 676-0892
Ask for Jim, Chris, Forest or Rhonda.

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